The Mother - The Nurturer

The Mother - The Nurturer

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Nicole Reflects on Motherhood

Whether you have a child or not, as a woman you carry the feminine, nurturing energy that supports the greater good of humanity and the earth. We want to celebrate you and your greatness as the creator, protector, and caregiver. For being the rock that holds it all together and sacrificing yourself for the ones you love.

When I became a mother, I became acutely aware of what ingredients are used in the products we put in and on our bodies.  It’s one of the main reasons Conscia was born. I wanted to create clean and effective products that you didn’t need to think twice about using on yourself or on your children.

I also came to have much less time for myself, which made me realize just how important daily rituals are.  With Conscia products, I wanted to create a little sanctuary in your shower. An opportunity to appreciate the small moments of self-care. On Mother’s Day we hope you take a little extra time for yourself and know how appreciated you are.

With love,

Conscia Life

Conscia Life reflects our desire to build a conscious lifestyle that extends beyond our hair care brand. It’s where we tell stories that inspire, educate and highlight issues, offering a richer connection between self care and the natural world, between wellness and social culture, and between the today and tomorrow we all share.